[LRUG] about lightweight server management

Abhishek Parolkar abhishek.parolkar at gmail.com
Tue Apr 23 06:48:43 PDT 2013

If the reason for virtualization is the process isolation and enforcing
constraints on processeses then i would suggest exploring LXC (linux

If you like heroku but need more control then look at OpenShift

-Abhishek Parolkar
 On Apr 23, 2013 5:53 PM, "Hemant Kumar" <hemant at codemancers.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> On 22-Apr-2013, at 9:09 PM, MG Lim <mglim at mirageglobe.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I wonder if there any good lightweight management methods/or guidelines
> that tend to work best for running multiple small vms for small sinatra
> apps (something I am trying at the moment.and shifting from heroku to get
> more control)?
> This question might be quite wide but I am looking for any good
> suggestions for managing the spinup and backup of small vms that runs 1~2
> web apps per instance in AWS.
> I see quite some discussions of using Fog / Puppet / Capistano / or hybrid
> and getting a bit confused on any proven best (or goodish) practises? I
> havent yet tried passenger; so any suggestions on that route is also
> welcome.
> Ideally to summarise:
> 1) running php along side thin on the same instance with Nginx. (good or
> not)?
> 2) running a small mongodb in each vm. so that each solution is contained
> in 1 instance.
> 3) replicating it for balancing.
> many thanks! :D
> For small number of VMS I recommend using following combination:
> 1. Use Chef-Solo for Provisioning: Chef Solo is *really* easy to start
> with.  Using Chef you can manage dependencies that your VMs require, manage
> configuration for Nginx, Unicorn, Mongo etc and it is dead easy to use (
> http://railscasts.com/episodes/339-chef-solo-basics).
> 2. For deployment - Use Capistrano, again you should be able to pretty
> much deploy everything using Capistrano.  But use it for your Rails & Rack
> apps.
> 3. Use Upstart (And foreman) - A fresh Ubuntu install already comes with a
> monitoring system built-in. You can define your services in a Procfile (
> https://github.com/ddollar/foreman) and Ubuntu will ensure that they are
> running and they start on reboot etc. Granted, it won't do run away memory
> management (or CPU), but in 70% of the cases I have found Upstart to be
> adequate. However if you want more, you can look into god/bluepill/monit.
> I find puppet still slightly complicated and Fog is just a ruby library
> for managing cloud. It is a low level library that powers many high level
> libraries.
> ---
> Cheers
> Hemant
> Co Founder, http://www.codemancers.com
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