[LRUG] Oxrug relaunched!

Tom Close tom.close at cantab.net
Mon Aug 19 09:41:17 PDT 2013

The Oxford Ruby Users Group (Oxrug <http://oxrug.org/>) is a small group of
Oxford ruby developers sharing a passion for ruby and beer. We're now
looking to expand the group beyond the enthusiastic core by providing a
series of monthly talks (naturally followed by a relocation to a nearby pub
for a drink or two...).

Our first meeting in the new format will be next Wednesday (28th August)
6pm, a two-minute walk from the Oxford Rail Station. The talk will
summarise some of the ideas from Hexagonal Rails/Objects on Rails and the
experience of applying them to a simple rails project (with lots of code
examples). For more information see lanyrd.com/cqprw.

If you are in the Oxford area, or fancy a trip down from London, please
come and join us!

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