[LRUG] Riot assertions

Kevin Fullerton lrug at kenwa-solutions.co.uk
Tue Aug 27 06:08:59 PDT 2013

I've been playing around with padrino lately, and using riot for 
testing - I've found a riot-mongo_mapper project which defines some 
macros to help with testing mongo_mapper models with riot, I've forked 
and updated it to the latest riot/mongo_mapper as it hadn't been updated 
in 2 years and was out of date for versions, however I can't work out 
why one of the macros works, but one doesn't - they both seem to be 
defined the same way, one works OK but the other throws a "wrong number 
of arguments (2 for 1)" error and I can't see why ...

I've put a test repository up at 
https://github.com/kgfullerton/padrino-test which shows what's happening 
with the 2 assertion macros (in test/models/user_test.rb - the 
has_validation macro works, the has_key one doesn't) which can be seen 
just by running `rake test` with the gems installed.

The relevant places that these validations are defined are (I believe) 

If anyone can point me in the right direction of why it's failing that 
would be very much appreciated! :)

Kevin Fullerton

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