[LRUG] LRUG in (the first few months of) 2014!

Murray Steele murray.steele at lrug.org
Mon Dec 16 07:17:15 PST 2013

Hi all,

Gosh, it’s nearly 2014.  How exciting / terrifying / inevitable!

Let us gaze into the LRUG crystal ball and see what we can learn about the
first few meetings of next year.


In January we have our first meeting of the year, on Monday 13th.

There’ll be two talks “API Analytics with Redis and Bigquery” by Javier
Ramirez and “Using data tiering to squeeze scale out of SQL” by Julien

You should:

* read more: http://lrug.org/meetings/2013/12/16/january-2014-meeting/
* register: http://skillsmatter.com/event-details/home/lrug-january-meetup
* remind: http://lanyrd.com/2014/lrug/ (this url will change shortly to
http://lanyrd.com/2014/lrug-january/ once lanyrd approve my claim on the
event and let me change it).


In February, on Monday 10th, we have our traditional lightning talks event.

For this even we use the 20x20 format (20 slides that auto-transition after
20seconds), so if you’ve ever thought about talking to the group for
exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds this is your chance!  This format means we
have room for 8 or 9 speakers so plenty of room.

I’ll be looking for volunteers in January so for now just have a think
about it and prepare some ideas you might have.  You can also remind
yourself here: http://lanyrd.com/2014/lrug-february/


In March it’s back to normal with “full-size” talks (e.g. two 40 minute
slots or three 25 minute slots) on Monday 10th.

I’m pretty sure I have enough volunteers in my stack already, but please
don’t let that dissuade you.  People pull out all the time or decide they
want another month to think about their topic.  I’ll be chasing folk up for
this one in early Feb,  but for now you can remind yourself about it -


Further afield, well, I expect we’ll continue as normal on the 2nd Monday
of the month.  You can remind yourself about the meeting schedule with this
handy calendar: http://lrug.org/meeting-calendar/ (this has no meeting
details, it’s just placeholder in your calendar).

If you have any ideas for talks you’d like to give or hear, different types
of meetings, or anything else LRUGgy please do get in touch.


Organisationally yours,

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