[LRUG] Rails 4 asset deployment woes

Jonathan del Strother maillist at steelskies.com
Mon Jul 15 04:54:00 PDT 2013

On 15 July 2013 12:45, James Coglan <jcoglan at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm struggling with getting asset deployment to work after upgrading a few
> of our apps to Rails 4. I have two main problems:
> * We cannot reference images/fonts from stylesheets
> * Our CSS/JS is no longer being minified in production
> The first one is because Rails no longer generates unversioned filenames in
> public/assets, so you need to have
>     body {
>       background: url(/assets/cat-abc123def456.jpg);
>     }
> in your stylesheet rather than
>     body {
>       background: url(/assets/cat.jpg);
>     }
> Of course, the latter works in development but not in production after
> precompiling the assets. So, we need to know how to get those version
> numbers into the CSS, since Rails does not rewrite these references by
> default while precompiling assets.
> Second, our CSS is not being minified, and we have no idea why. If you clone
> https://github.com/jcoglan/rails_assets, and run:
>     $ bundle exec rake assets:precompile
> then it does not minify the code in public/assets, which we assumed was
> because config/environments/development.rb sets config.assets.debug = true.
> If you compile in production:
>     $ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
> then it does minify the CSS. So, we figured there must be a config
> difference and that would explain why our code is not being minified in our
> production apps that have been upgraded from Rails 3 to 4. So, I deleted all
> the code from config/environments/{development,production}.rb and it still
> does the same thing: no minification in development mode, and minified code
> in production. So it doesn't seem like a config thing -- is this difference
> baked in Rails? What am I doing wrong? Why would our production apps not be
> minifying their CSS?

Your stylesheets should be using the asset helpers to generate their
paths.  eg -

    body {
      background: image-url("cat.jpg");

should get automatically expanded to the full version-stamped path.
See http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html#css-and-sass for

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