[LRUG] [JOB] - Kainos - (UK Gov Digital Projects) - Entreprise Open Source Software Engineers/WebOps/Technical Architects(Perm) - All levels

Sleepyfox sleepyfox at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 04:25:07 PDT 2013

Mein eyes!

@Wendy - comments about presentation aside, I have carefully read your
email and am struggling to actually see any content, other than you're
hiring 30 Ruby (or possibly Java) web devs for a company that (amongst
other things) does work for .gov

There's nothing to say what specific project(s) you're hiring for,
what kind of people you're looking for, what kind of company culture
you have - "Open and Agile" doesn't count, everybody says the same
thing these days - in short I'm struggling to get any actual
information out of your email.

Why would I be interested? What is Kainos' USP? Why would I chose
Kainos over any other consulting company that employs web developers
e.g. Thoughtworks or Zulhke?

This is said with love - I'm trying to help you out here: if you want
to engage intelligent articulate people you need to give us something
that will pique our interest (and not in evvnt style). I'm looking
forward to your reply.


On 17 July 2013 12:09, Niklas Richardson <niklas at kyan.com> wrote:
> Can we quit the snarky emails? There's been nothing but noise over the last
> few days.
> I think we could all benefit from reading the HN guildlines on comments.
> Be civil. Don't say things you wouldn't say in a face to face conversation.
> When disagreeing, please reply to the argument instead of calling names.
> E.g. "That is an idiotic thing to say; 1 + 1 is 2, not 3" can be shortened
> to "1 + 1 is 2, not 3."
> Please avoid introducing classic flamewar topics unless you have something
> genuinely new to say about them.
> Please don't use uppercase for emphasis. If you want to emphasize a word or
> phrase, put *asterisks* around it and it will get italicized.
> Please don't submit comments complaining that a submission is inappropriate
> for the site. If you think something is spam or offtopic, flag it by [some
> LRUG mailing list appropriate actions...] If you flag something, please
> don't also comment that you did. [This will just create spam]
> Please don't bait other users[...]
> My 2p.
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Jim Myhrberg <contact at jimeh.me> wrote:
>> "Think Different" ;)
>> -jimeh
>> On Wednesday, 17 July 2013 at 11:38, Paul Robinson wrote:
>> On 17 Jul 2013, at 11:22, Rachel Graves <rachel at didlix.net> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Alejandro Andres <alej at redradix.com>
>> wrote:
>> if you put everything in red, then nothing stands out ;)
>> I was drawn to the purple myself.
>> The enthusiastic abandonment of image aspect ratios that reminded me of a
>> misspent youth on GeoCities was my favourite part. And I couldn't help but
>> feel the author had wished that we should read it in Comic Sans somehow...
>> Different. Definitely different.
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