[LRUG] Rendering maintenance pages?
Tom Ward
tom at popdog.net
Fri Jun 28 04:12:26 PDT 2013
We originally considered using the page cache, but decided against it. One
of our requirements is that the static pages are updated on every deploy,
so that they always include any changes to the layout or stylesheets. We
also want a deploy to fail if the static pages can't be generated. To use
the page cache we'd need to restart our server, wait for it to reload,
trigger requests for each error page and then if they fail for some reason,
back out the whole deployment again. It seemed more complicated process
than running a simple rake task.
On 28 June 2013 11:54, Artan Sinani <artisinani at gmail.com> wrote:
> You could also use the page_cache, which it'll render the HTML in the
> public folder. You still have the ErrorsController with only one action
> 'show', which will render the view with the same file name as the id. Eg.
> error/404 will render views/errors/404.html.erb. You can then trigger the
> page_cache as part of your deploy.
> Rails 4 is moving away from page_cache, but I think it works well for
> production static but development dynamic pages.
> Artan
> On 28 June 2013 10:40, Tom Ward <tom at popdog.net> wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> I'm working with Joel, and we thought we'd let you know what we've come
>> up with.
>> We've created an ErrorsController with actions for all of our error
>> pages. Requesting /errors/404, for example will render our 404 page using
>> the standard asset pipeline, layouts, etc (all of which we make use of).
>> Then, to generate a static version we have a rake task with the following:
>> session = Rack::Test::Session.new
>> Rack::MockSession.new(Rails.application)
>> response = session.get('http//example.com/errors/404')
>> if response.status == 200
>> File.write Rails.root + 'public' + '404.html', response.body
>> else
>> raise 'Failed to generate 404 page'
>> end
>> So far it seems to work well.
>> Tom
>> On 27 June 2013 11:01, Paul Robinson <paul at 32moves.com> wrote:
>>> On 27 Jun 2013, at 10:55, Daniel Barlow <dan at telent.net> wrote:
>>> I think you're actually agreeing with each other here: Joel is talking
>>> about a rake task and a static page, which presumably would be written to
>>> this "separate area of disk" to be served directly by nginx/your upstream
>>> proxy next time the app is brought down, but he wants it to be produced
>>> using the same layout, styles and general look & feel as the app itself and
>>> to stay in sync when the app changes. It seems like this is the kind of
>>> thing the asset precompiler should be able to do, but I've no idea how.
>>> Ah, got you.
>>> I think this is what we're after then:
>>> http://icelab.com.au/articles/precompiled-rails-static-404-and-500-pages/
>>> It'll need a bit of a tweak to produce a maintenance page, but that
>>> looks like your starter for 10...
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