[LRUG] I can spend one day/week/life working with you

Arturo Herrero arturo.herrero at gmail.com
Wed May 15 06:15:05 PDT 2013

Hello folks,

​I'm Arturo Herrero. Last month I left my job in Madrid (Spain)​ and moved
to London long term.​ People told me that I'm crazy but I want to live
abroad and London is an exciting city!

​​I'​m a passionate software engineer interested in dynamic programming
languages.​ The last 2 and half years I have worked with Groovy and Grails.
Now I want to move to Ruby on Rails​. In my opinion, in a programming
language it​'​s important the language itself but also the community and
the people around the language. And Ruby has an excellent community.​

Groovy/Grails are inspired in Ruby/Rails. Both ​are ​dynamic languages,
​with ​metaprogramming ​capabilities​, ​both are an MVC framework with the
​same patterns​ and approach. There is an interesting ​(maybe outdated)
​presentation of Neal Ford comparing groovy &

​I think that I have a perfect background to change between these
technologies​. Also I have done some personal projects with Ruby.​ These
days I'm reading *Eloquent Ruby* ​to write ​Ruby code in a more idiomatic
way ​​and *​Agile Web Development with Rails* because I'm creating a web

​I'm looking for a permanent position as a junior developer but while this
comes I can spend one day/week/life working with you at your company, doing
pair programming, hacking on personal projects, learning...

Any advice, opportunities, information about companies or hate mails for
this noise are welcome.

Thank you.
Arturo Herrero <http://arturoherrero.com>
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