[LRUG] Any meetups next week?

Chris Parsons chris.p at rsons.org
Tue Nov 5 09:13:27 PST 2013

On Tue, Nov 05, 2013 at 11:08:54AM -0600, James Adam wrote:
>You may be in luck — the LRUG meeting is next Monday: http://lrug.org/meetings/2013/10/30/november-2013-meeting/

There's also the Ruby Biz UK meeting on the 13th November, which you'd 
be very welcome to come to:


(This serves as everyone's periodic reminder that @rubybizuk is a thing, 
and it's awesome. Come along!)

>-- James
>On Tuesday, 5 November 2013 at 11:06, Srushti Ambekallu wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I'm a developer from Bangalore. I've been on this list for a while now, although mostly lurking. I'm coming to London sometime next week and I was wondering if there were any Ruby meetups, or for that matter any other tech meetups that week. I'd love to meet some developers there. Also, I'm coming there about a potential job, which means I could be a non-remote member of LRUG in the future.
>> ----
>> Thanks,
>> Srushti
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Chris Parsons
chris.p at rsons.org

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