[LRUG] CMS for bespoke API

Riccardo Tacconi rtacconi at gmail.com
Wed Sep 11 02:37:24 PDT 2013


As you said perhaps it does not exist and I think it doesn't. They should
realise that they need a bespoke CMS. I would suggest to create  an open
source project and make the CMS public so it could become, in the near
future, an Open source JSON CMS :-)

On 11 September 2013 10:31, Ian Kynnersley <iankynnersley at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for all the useful responses. I'll definitely look into Active
> Model Serializer.
> Most of these replies rely on me creating a bespoke model structure in
> code which is what I'm trying to avoid. Parse and Helios look interesting
> but don't give me the admin interface that I need to allow totally
> non-techie users to be able to manage the content themselves.
> What I'm after would be a library that I can install in my app (or
> something hosted like Parse / Helios) that instantly gives me my CMS.
> Something a bit like Radiant maybe. I would then want to create my model
> structure within that CMS such that admin users could add, remove and
> update information easily. However, unlike a normal CMS which would render
> the output as a website with some templates to alter the look and feel, I
> want it to provide a JSON API.
> The reason for all of this is that ownership of this app will be handed
> over to a different company and they are (rightly) nervous about taking on
> a completely bespoke application rather than a customised version of an
> off-the-shelf product.
> Perhaps I am looking for something that doesn't exist so your thoughts are
> all very useful.
> Thanks again
> Ian
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 3:20 AM, Tejas Dinkar <tejasdinkar at gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Sep-11-2013, at 7:02 AM, Nick Novitski <nicknovitski at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  There's also https://github.com/rails-api/active_model_serializers
>> +1 on Active Model Serializer.
>> Benefits:
>> 1) Easily testable, and OO
>> 2) Has access to current_user (or any other controller method via
>> `scope'). This makes it possible for you to serialize based on who has
>> requested the object
>> 3) Works seamlessly with respond_with
>> 4) If you have the same relation object multiple times on your object
>> (say user can be created_by, updated_by, etc…) then you have a way to just
>> `embed' the user once.
>> Also, +1 on rails-api gem as well :-)
>> --
>> Tejas Dinkar
>> http://www.nilenso.com
>> Nilenso Software (formerly C42 Engineering)
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> --
> Ian Kynnersley
> http://iankynnersley.co.uk | +44 (0) 7973 420 829 |
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Riccardo Tacconi
Ruby on Rails and PHP development - System Administration
VIRTUELOGIC LIMITED <http://www.virtuelogic.net/>

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