[LRUG] [JOBS] Ruby Developers available

Dan Garland dan at dangarland.co.uk
Fri Aug 8 01:20:58 PDT 2014

Hi all,

I'm currently available for Ruby development and I thought I'd reach 
out. I've got over 10 years experience in web development, working with 
startups, agencies and building MVPs directly for clients. My CV 
portfolio is here: http://www.dangarland.co.uk.

My latest project is to help budding Ruby devs crack into the hard shell 
that is the London Ruby scene, by running some courses with my We Got 
Coders project. I hire the best of my crop and we work on outsourced 
Ruby work, open source projects and consultancy gigs.

If you're looking for a decent Ruby contractor and are disillusioned 
with the options out there give us a call. I prefer pair-programming 
approaches where I can work with my new apprentices, whether that's on 
your site or outsourced.

We have some info our website, and some testimonials:

Many thanks
Dan Garland

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