[LRUG] Event Bus in ruby

Klaus Hebsgaard klaus at hebsgaard.dk
Tue Aug 19 23:42:25 PDT 2014


I am currently looking into decoupling my app a bit more.
Coming from a C# background I would like to use an Event Bus for this, so
that I can apply the observer pattern.

I have searched a bit around and have found:

Does anyone know this gem, is it worth using (well maintained etc)?
Do you know of good alternatives?

Med Venlig hilsen / Best regards

Klaus Hebsgaard

Website: http://www.hebsgaard.dk
Blog: *http://blog.khebbie.dk <http://blog.khebbie.dk>*
LinkedIIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/klaushebsgaard
Github: https://github.com/khebbie
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