[LRUG] Event Bus in ruby

Paul Robinson paul at iconoplex.co.uk
Wed Aug 20 00:32:30 PDT 2014

On 20 August 2014 07:42, Klaus Hebsgaard <klaus at hebsgaard.dk> wrote:

I am currently looking into decoupling my app a bit more.

What kind of app? That would help make suggestions more suitable.

> I have searched a bit around and have found:
> https://github.com/kevinrutherford/event_bus
> Does anyone know this gem, is it worth using (well maintained etc)?
> Do you know of good alternatives?

I've never used that gem myself (as all the "event bus" patterns I have
touched in recent years have been distributed pubsub applications better
suited to AWS SNS type toolchains), however:

1. I will vouch that Kevin Rutherford (the author) is dedicated to writing
quality software, he is no code monkey. Nice guy, too.

2. The commit history suggests he's regularly merging pull requests and so
on, so it seems pseudo-active, but it's quite small so how much work are
you expecting to see to consider it "well maintained"?

3. The test coverage looks on first glance comprehensive.

Not sure if that helps beyond giving you confidence to spend some time
working with it and see if it's fit for purpose for you.
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