[LRUG] Event Bus in ruby

Klaus Hebsgaard klaus at hebsgaard.dk
Wed Aug 20 01:19:59 PDT 2014

Wisper looks great, will check it out - thanks

Med Venlig hilsen / Best regards

Klaus Hebsgaard

Website: http://www.hebsgaard.dk
Blog: *http://blog.khebbie.dk <http://blog.khebbie.dk>*
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On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 9:46 AM, John Maxwell <
John.Maxwell at boardintelligence.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi Klaus,
> If you don’t mind it being synchronous/in-process, then I’d strongly
> suggest having a look at Wisper – I think it’ll offer most of what you want
> whilst keeping ease of operation, and it uses really common tooling to do
> so (Celluloid).
> Cheers,
> John Maxwell
> Lead Developer
> *Board Intelligence Ltd*
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> From: Klaus Hebsgaard <klaus at hebsgaard.dk>
> Date: Wednesday, 20 August 2014 08:43
> To: Riccardo Tacconi <rtacconi at gmail.com>
> Cc: Paul Robinson <paul at iconoplex.co.uk>, London Ruby Users Group <
> chat at lists.lrug.org>
> Subject: Re: [LRUG] Event Bus in ruby
> I have reviewed RabbitMQ for this purpose, but I think its a bit overkill
> for this pretty small app (you could of course not know about the app,
> since I did not tell about it :-)
> I like the Gem I posted about because it is fairly small, I can grasp the
> code.
> And I don't mind it being synchronous.
> Med Venlig hilsen / Best regards
> Klaus Hebsgaard
> Website: http://www.hebsgaard.dk
> Blog: *http://blog.khebbie.dk <http://blog.khebbie.dk>*
> LinkedIIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/klaushebsgaard
> Github: https://github.com/khebbie
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Riccardo Tacconi <rtacconi at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would use RabbitMQ and bunny (gem).
>> On 20 August 2014 08:32, Paul Robinson <paul at iconoplex.co.uk> wrote:
>>> On 20 August 2014 07:42, Klaus Hebsgaard <klaus at hebsgaard.dk> wrote:
>>> I am currently looking into decoupling my app a bit more.
>>> What kind of app? That would help make suggestions more suitable.
>>>> I have searched a bit around and have found:
>>>> https://github.com/kevinrutherford/event_bus
>>>> Does anyone know this gem, is it worth using (well maintained etc)?
>>>> Do you know of good alternatives?
>>> I've never used that gem myself (as all the "event bus" patterns I have
>>> touched in recent years have been distributed pubsub applications better
>>> suited to AWS SNS type toolchains), however:
>>> 1. I will vouch that Kevin Rutherford (the author) is dedicated to
>>> writing quality software, he is no code monkey. Nice guy, too.
>>> 2. The commit history suggests he's regularly merging pull requests and
>>> so on, so it seems pseudo-active, but it's quite small so how much work are
>>> you expecting to see to consider it "well maintained"?
>>> 3. The test coverage looks on first glance comprehensive.
>>> Not sure if that helps beyond giving you confidence to spend some time
>>> working with it and see if it's fit for purpose for you.
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>> --
>> Riccardo Tacconi
>> Ruby on Rails and PHP development - System Administration
>> VIRTUELOGIC LIMITED <http://www.virtuelogic.net/>
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