[LRUG] Talk proposal

Najaf Ali ali at happybearsoftware.com
Mon Feb 24 15:49:37 PST 2014

Dearest LRUGgers & LRUGgettes,

I'm thinking of putting together a talk on how learning data structures and
algorithms can help you do the computers better. It would likely look
something like this:

* Why you should bother learning about them at all, especially if like many
you feel as though you'd never use them in your day job.
* Walk-throughs of examples, both interesting insights on workaday ones
you're probably familiar with and other perhaps more fruitylicious
constructs you may not have heard of.
* Practical tips for learning them and putting them to work when you're at
the coalface building software for the man.

Scouts honour: I'm going to avoid the well trodden ground of
searching/sorting algorithms and big O notation that half of us have
forgotten from our CS courses and just focus on practical utility and fun
examples of things I've discovered on spelunking expeditions.

Would there be any interest in such a talk?

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