[LRUG] Startup Timeline

Jay Caines-Gooby jay at gooby.org
Mon Mar 3 11:38:47 PST 2014

On 3 March 2014 12:10, MG Lim <mirageglobe at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am curious about how things for how ideas move on.... -> panning out to
> projects -> gathering a team and finally to funding rounds?
> More of a general discussion; but what have your experiences been; if you
> have been in that path or part of that path? "I wish I had done that in the
> beginning" moments..

1. If your product is a revenue-generating one, get to your first sale
as fast as you can, and iterate on everything that makes the next one,
and the next one after that easier; marcomms, ux, website copy, pr,
crm, etc. This is when you realise that the technical development is a
tiny part of the mix.

2. If you're not aiming to generate revenue, (at all, until later,
fremium, ad supported, etc) - always be raising the next round of
funding. If you wait until you need it, you'll probably not get it, or
you''ll get screwed on the rate or it will take too long and you'll go

3. Money does strange things to people. Be prepared to be screwed by
all and sundry.

4. Good luck! It's fun*

*actually 50/50 sheer luck and unrelenting hard work.

Jay Caines-Gooby
jay at gooby.org
+44 (0)7956 182625
twitter, skype & aim: jaygooby
gtalk: jaygooby at gmail.com

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