[LRUG] [JOBS] Full stack Ruby engineer looking for a job
Karl Freeman
karlfreeman at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 07:29:43 PDT 2014
Thanks Paul, I haven't heard about CleanWeb before but leafing over it's
Manifesto <http://www.cleanweb.org.uk/manifesto.html> I'll be sure to try
and attend in the future.
On 28 March 2014 14:22, Paul Mackay <pauljmackay at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Karl (and others),
> If looking for a role, the Cleanweb meetups are a great source of learning
> about new startups doing great things:
> http://www.meetup.com/Cleanweb-London/
> Every meetup there is a board at the back where people can post needs and
> offers. Also people giving presentations often have requests for developers
> at the end.
> Just a thought :)
> paul
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Karl Freeman <karlfreeman at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Dearest LRUGers,
>> I'm looking for a new job. Possibly with you or a friend of yours, or
>> even a colleague?
>> I'm a full stack Ruby engineer which means that I'm a kid in a candy shop
>> with AWS, whip up recipes with Chef, Varnish Upstart'ed Pumas. I can
>> remember important things with MySQL or PostgreSQL and then forgot the
>> not-so important bits in Redis or Memcache. I'm a DynamoDB.
>> Alongside this I Sidekiq, Celluloid, Grape and Sinatra. I even Rails too.
>> I've gone through the trenches with Angular and I'm an Ember sympathiser.
>> Rspec'd and ready to Rack and roll.
>> In all seriousness I'm looking for a new role and would greatly
>> appreciate any opportunities (in or around London) that you may know about. I've
>> recently been CTO of a startup and open to most positions but have a
>> preference towards continuing being a full timer, shipping code.
>> My GitHub is http://github.com/karlfreeman -- thanks for your help!
>> Karl
>> @karlfreeman <https://twitter.com/karlfreeman>, http://karlfreeman.co.uk
>> p.s I've already got a recruiter, sorry other recruiters :/
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