[LRUG] Well-behaved Unix

Rob Miller rob at bigfish.co.uk
Tue Oct 14 07:54:24 PDT 2014

Hi all,

Thanks for the opportunity to speak last night. Hopefully there were at 
least a couple of new bits of information for everyone in amongst the 
40-year-old ancient history and things people already knew!

I've stuck my slides here:


If anyone's interested in more along these lines, and interested in 
forgiving some blatant plugging, I'm very nearly finished with my book 
which also in this broad subject area.

It's called "Text Processing with Ruby", and it covers some of the stuff 
I talked about last night (though in much greater detail, obviously) as 
well as things as varied as how to write one-liners in Ruby, how to 
scrape HTML websites, how to use regular expressions to manipulate text 
and extract information from it, dealing with character encodings, 
writing parsers with StringScanner, writing text to other processes to 
form your own pipelines, and hopefully lots more besides.

It will — in a few weeks, hopefully — be available from Pragmatic 
Bookshelf at what I'm sure will be a reasonable price; its currently 
useless and bare web page is here 
https://pragprog.com/book/rmtpruby/text-processing-with-ruby but that 
will be updated in time. Hopefully we'll be running a beta version of 
the book before it actually launches, so if you guys can stomach another 
round of plugging I'll let everyone know when that happens.

Thanks again, and thanks especially to Xav and Sam for their SonicPi 
talk — it was amazing and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been 
shirking their actual work today to play with bleeps and bloops!



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