[LRUG] London Ruby working conditions survey results

James McCarthy james at lety.co
Tue Sep 16 04:40:24 PDT 2014

Good afternoon all.

Apologies in the delay getting the results to you, I had planned to have 
this up Saturday morning but a busy weekend prevented that.

Thank you to everyone who responded, I think this has given some 
interesting insights into conditions in London.


Of the 112 developers who responded.

The private office and cubicle are dead.
A minority frequently work overtime.
Only 1/4 have quiet working conditions.
Most have a desk in large open plan offices.
Most have a decent size screen.
The vast majority are happy working on their current project.
The average number of years experience is 5.6

Full results available here.

James McCarthy

Software Engineer

LetyCo - Analyse, Build, Deliver
Ruby/Rails software for London and the SouthEast.
  Mob:  07577006897

Email:  james at lety.co


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