[LRUG] Callout for Volunteers - Women Who Code - RoR Workshop September 8th

Claire Tran claire at womenwhocode.com
Wed Aug 19 13:05:22 PDT 2015

Hi everyone,

I hope you're having a great week so far :)

I'm organising a monthly RoR Workshop for Women Who Code (on September 8th)
and would love some volunteers to help out with coaching at the event.

The tutorial will be aimed at beginners (they follow at their own pace).
Other attendees who are more experienced can also attend and bring along a
project they are currently working on or follow a more advanced tutorial.

If you're interested in coaching/volunteering please let me know :)
Google form - http://goo.gl/forms/V6t8hDFfLo

The meetup details are also up, with 40 women signed up (13 on the
waitlist)  - http://www.meetup.com/Women-Who-Code-London/events/224615801/



Claire Tran
Women Who Code | London City Lead
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