[LRUG] Brighton Ruby 2015 CFP

Andy Croll andy at goodscary.com
Wed Mar 4 00:53:34 PST 2015

Hey all,

Brighton Ruby is happening again this year on 20th July… and the CFP is open.

I’m after 30, 20 and 5 minute talks. The shorter your talk the better (no offence, but trust me you can say _a lot_ in 5 minutes).

I’m really looking for a diversity of voices, don’t be afraid to submit a talk if it’s your first time or you “wouldn't normally” try talking at an event like this.

Details and tickets at http://brightonruby.com.

We’ll cover travel and accommodation for speakers, and obviously your ticket is free.

Any questions, get in touch directly.

Andy Croll
andy at goodscary.com

http://andycroll.com | @andycroll

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