[LRUG] [OT] A blog post about writing tech job ads

Thayer Prime thayer at team-prime.com
Wed May 6 04:00:23 PDT 2015

Just came across: "Writing an effective tech job description", by
@smokingpun > http://contentedstrategy.com/blog/2015/05/01/Writing-an-effective-job-description.html#.VUnx3qbXiw0.twitter

It's got some really important and smart points in it, and I know
there's plenty of hiring and job description writing on this list,
figured it may help anyone in the position of writing ads to really
think about hiring for the team you want to be, instead of just hiring
for a project or work or back filling a role (likely, male) that just
opened up.

Particularly, as I was reading I was +1ing about the diversity stuff
she writes about.

We (Team Prime) get asked by all our clients to hire for diversity as
their number one priority (which is brilliant! Yay ace clients!), but
often that takes some changes in the org and structure to accommodate
what they're after. Well worth bearing in mind if you want to reap the
benefits of having a diverse team - it's not just about Getting More
Minorities Sat At Desks, it's about how you structure your company and
recruitment process to allow for diversity to be encouraged and


Thayer Prime
CEO & Founder
Team Prime Ltd


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