[LRUG] Multiple Rails apps sharing common UI
Kerry Buckley
kerryjbuckley at gmail.com
Tue May 19 07:03:21 PDT 2015
On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 10:18 AM, Robbie Clutton <rclutton at pivotal.io>
> Hi Kerry =)
Hi Robbie, long time no see!
> Some of my colleagues at Pivotal Labs have blogged
> <https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=site%3Apivotallabs.com+rails+engines&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS578US578&oq=site%3Apivotallabs.com+rails+engines&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i58.5271j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=91&ie=UTF-8> a
> fair amount on this Rails engines including shared dependencies, migrations
> and more. We also have an internal live style guide
> <https://github.com/pivotal/pivotal-styles-sass> which is a Rails Engine
> (you can see the secret sauce
> <https://github.com/pivotal/pivotal-styles-sass/blob/master/lib/pivotal/sass.rb> here).
> There's a decent talk on the live style guide aspect here
> <http://original.livestream.com/pivotallabs/video?clipId=pla_5a76d100-ea64-4552-9d44-15078c26ace5>
> which might be relevant.
> I think engines does make sense in some cases, but Rails doesn't make it
> easy for a developer to have a seamless experience as some of the blogs
> will discuss above.
> On your first point, you could always use URL rewriting (via httpd/nginx)
> to send requests to different apps to keep them separate. Then using single
> sign on, and shared styles you might be able to achieve the desired result,
> and keep the applications isolated.
Yes, that's the kind of thing I was thinking of, and I think I'm leaning
more in that direction now. I'm using mostly vanilla Bootstrap, so shared
styles are pretty straightforward. I've played
I'll go and read those links now!
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