[LRUG] [Help request] Programmatically inserting user data into js chart

Dan Singerman dansingerman at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 09:51:35 PDT 2016

Will this do it for you?

def make_jsonish(array)
  array.each_with_index.map do |num, i|
    {key: i, value: num}



On 8 June 2016 at 14:32, Jesse Waites <jesse.waites at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I spun up a new Rails app to experiment with the D3 charting library and
> hit a minor snag. I've never done anything like the before so I want to
> make sure I do it the "best" way possible and not some hacky way, which I
> could certainly come up with, ha.
> Here's the situation:
> I have a new Rails app with 1 model, view, and controller called
> "Favorites"
> A user would add favorite colors, favorite movie, and favorite numbers, in
> 3 different form fields, each as a string.
> In the controller, I remap the numbers string into  a proper array with
> integers.
> @data = @favorite.numbers.split(",").map { |s| s.to_i }
> At this point, lets say @data is now an array of [5,4,3,2,1] - We know the
> length of this array and the contents.
> On the show page, in the view, I have a variable called dataset that the
> hardcoded
> D3 chart is working off of. Here is a jsfiddle of the exact chart I am
> trying to get to work with user data.
> http://jsfiddle.net/enigmarm/3HL4a/13/
> var dataset = [
> { key: 0, value: 5 },
> { key: 1, value: 10 },
> { key: 2, value: 13 },
> { key: 3, value: 19 },
> { key: 4, value: 21 },
> { key: 5, value: 25 },
> { key: 6, value: 22 },
> { key: 7, value: 18 },
> { key: 8, value: 15 },
> { key: 9, value: 13 },
> { key: 10, value: 11 },
> { key: 11, value: 12 },
> { key: 12, value: 15 },
> { key: 13, value: 20 },
> { key: 14, value: 18 },
> { key: 15, value: 17 },
> { key: 16, value: 16 },
> { key: 17, value: 18 },
> { key: 18, value: 23 },
> { key: 19, value: 25 } ];
> So I need to iterate over my array, put the index into the "key" position,
> and put the value into the "value" section. If the array had 2 elements, I
> need to do it twice. 5 elements, 5 times.
> I wrote a stupid method called "make jsonish" that isnt working:
> def make_jsonish(array)
>       array.each_with_index do |num, i|
>         puts "{ key: #{i}, value: #{num}},"
>       end
>     end
> I don't think the "puts" thing will work anyway. I'm a bit stumped as to
> how to best do this so I would appreciate any help.
> Here is a gist of the view:
> https://gist.github.com/piratebroadcast/19b2ca6617343d8812d2a40325f76bc7
> Controller gist:
> https://gist.github.com/piratebroadcast/ce802346d75e667fface711f8dfc17e0
> Anyone have any suggestions as to how I should move forward with this?
> Seems like a simple thing but I can't quite sort it out by myself.
> Thank you!!!
> --
> Jesse Waites
> JesseWaites.com
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