[LRUG] [Help request] Programmatically inserting user data into js chart
Mark Burns
markthedeveloper at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 18:38:26 PDT 2016
Note that using raw potentially opens you up to XSS attacks. Although, it
depends on how you validate/coerce your data
On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 10:28 PM Jesse Waites <jesse.waites at gmail.com> wrote:
> That did it!!!
> <%= raw JSON.pretty_generate @jsonish %> has it working perfectly. Thanks
> so much everyone for your help with this!
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 9:21 AM, Craig R Webster <craig at barkingiguana.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jesse,
>> You probably want to output the raw JSON in your view. Rails HTML escapes
>> it by default for safety:
>> http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/OutputSafetyHelper.html#method-i-raw
>> Try something like this:
>> <%= raw JSON.pretty_generate @jsonish %>
>> Yours,
>> Craig | http://barkingiguana.com/
>> --
>> Barking Iguana Ltd. is a company registered in England and Wales.
>> Registered number: 08915147. Registered address: Jubilee House, East
>> Beach, Lytham, St. Annes, Lancashire, England, FY8 5FT.
>> On 9 Jun 2016, at 13:56, Jesse Waites <jesse.waites at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Oto!
>> So strange...
>> def make_jsonish(array)
>> elements = array.each_with_index.map { |num, i|
>> { key: i, value: num}
>> }
>> end
>> without json pretty generate now is:
>> @jsonish: [{:key=>0, :value=>5}, {:key=>1, :value=>3}, {:key=>2,
>> :value=>2}]
>> In the page source, it is:
>> var dataset =
>> [{:key=>0, :value=>5}, {:key=>1, :value=>3}, {:key=>2,
>> :value=>2}] ;
>> which is the greater than sign in HTML. So weird!!!
>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 2:20 AM, Oto Brglez <otobrglez at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hey!
>>> Loose "JSON.pretty_generate" at the and new-lines will go away.
>>> Cheers!
>>> - Oto
>>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 11:53 PM Jesse Waites <jesse.waites at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Update: I tried it with Tom's pretty generate JSON method and am a
>>>> little closer - @jsonish is now:
>>>> @jsonish: "[\n {\n \"key\": 0,\n \"value\": 5\n },\n {\n \"key\": 1,\n
>>>> \"value\": 3\n },\n {\n \"key\": 2,\n \"value\": 2\n }\n]"
>>>> So looks like I need to strip the new lines out? Or rather, not put
>>>> them in in the first place? Its good to know I was close in my solution
>>>> path.
>>>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 1:03 PM, John Cinnamond <jc at panagile.com> wrote:
>>>>> As an aside, `map` returns an enumerator if you don’t give it a block,
>>>>> and enumerators have a `with_index` method. So instead of:
>>>>> array.each_with_index.map { |value, idx| … }
>>>>> You can say:
>>>>> array.map.with_index { |value, idx| … }
>>>>> This only saves you 5 characters, but I think it makes the intent
>>>>> slightly clearer.
>>>>> On Wed, 08 Jun 2016 at 17:57 Tom Stuart <Tom Stuart
>>>>> <Tom+Stuart+%3Ctom at codon.com%3E>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 8 Jun 2016, at 14:32, Jesse Waites <jesse.waites at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> > def make_jsonish(array)
>>>>>> > array.each_with_index do |num, i|
>>>>>> > puts "{ key: #{i}, value: #{num}},"
>>>>>> > end
>>>>>> > end
>>>>>> This looks pretty close to being right, but you want to return a
>>>>>> string by joining all the individual lines, not print them out. For example:
>>>>>> def make_jsonish(array)
>>>>>> array.each_with_index.map { |num, i|
>>>>>> "{ key: #{i}, value: #{num}},"
>>>>>> }.join("\n")
>>>>>> end
>>>>>> Less significantly, it would be better to rely on Ruby to turn the
>>>>>> resulting data structure (including enclosing square brackets) into JSON
>>>>>> for you, so that you’re not responsible for the conversion yourself:
>>>>>> def make_jsonish(array)
>>>>>> elements = array.each_with_index.map { |num, i|
>>>>>> { key: i, value: num}
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> JSON.pretty_generate(elements)
>>>>>> end
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> -Tom
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>>>> Jesse Waites
>>>> JesseWaites.com <http://jessewaites.com/>
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>> Jesse Waites
>> JesseWaites.com <http://jessewaites.com/>
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> --
> Jesse Waites
> JesseWaites.com
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