[LRUG] Gemfile.lock for gems - to check in or not to check in, that is the question
Asfand Qazi
ayqazi at gmail.com
Wed May 10 05:50:04 PDT 2017
I do not think a Gemfile.lock has any effect on a gem when it is being
used. I think the point of not checking in your Gemfile.lock is to force
the gem to be run against different minor versions of dependencies while it
is being developed; different developers will probably have slight
variations of dependencies (or as much is allowed by your gemspec)
installed, or you will at different times of your life, thus forcing the
gem to be more resilient when it comes to dealing with varying dependency
To quote the above Yehuda Katz article:
"... when doing gem development, you want to know immediately when some
change in the overall ecosystem breaks your setup ... you do not want to
hardcode your development to a very specific set of gems, only to find out
later that a gem released after you ran bundle install, but compatible with
your version range, doesn't work with your code".
It's not a very reliable way of doing this, perhaps someone should create a
tool that checks out every combination of every valid version of your gem's
dependencies and runs your tests against each combination.
On 10 May 2017 at 13:01, Najaf Ali <ali at happybearsoftware.com> wrote:
> *> I guess it doesn't matter a huge amount: as I understand it, the
> Gemfile.lock has no effect on an application that your gem is included in,
> and is only used for developing and testing the gem in isolation. I can see
> how it would make sense to lock your dependencies (e.g. RSpec) to specific
> versions.development *
> Yep, this is the bit I was confused about as well i.e. even if you do
> commit your Gemfile.lock when creating a gem, does it even do anything?
> Najaf Ali - Founder at Happy Bear Software
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> On Wed, May 10, 2017 12:06 PM, Asfand Qazi ayqazi at gmail.com wrote:
>> Thank you all for the input. I'm going to continue following the 'check
>> it in for apps, do not check it in for gems' advice. I might even ping the
>> documentation owners to tell them to update their docs.
>> Regards,
>> Asfand
>> On 10 May 2017 at 11:38, Duncan Stuart <dgmstuart at gmail.com> wrote:
>> That documentation is indeed confusing. I would always always always
>> commit the Gemfile.lock for an application, but ignore it for a gem, but
>> that documentation does indeed seem to say "commit your lockfile for gem
>> development as well"
>> I guess it doesn't matter a huge amount: as I understand it, the
>> Gemfile.lock has no effect on an application that your gem is included in,
>> and is only used for developing and testing the gem in isolation. I can see
>> how it would make sense to lock your *development *dependencies (e.g.
>> RSpec) to specific versions.
>> On 10 May 2017 at 11:25, Stuart Harrison <pezholio at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think the `bundle gem` command adds the lockfile to `.gitignore` by
>> default.
>> On 10 May 2017 at 11:24:12, Sam Phillips (sam at samsworldofno.com) wrote:
>> Yes, always check it in. Once the dependency tree is resolved, you want
>> everyone using the same gems until it's actively changed.
>> On 10 May 2017 at 11:22, Garry Shutler <garry at robustsoftware.co.uk>
>> wrote:
>> +1 to what Kerry said. If you deploy the same commit of your website
>> tomorrow, you don't want it bringing in different, potentially breaking,
>> versions of gems.
>> *Garry Shutler*
>> @gshutler <http://twitter.com/gshutler>
>> gshutler.com
>> On 10 May 2017 at 11:12, Kerry Buckley <kerryjbuckley at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The advice I've always followed is that if you're building an application
>> you check it in (so you can guarantee that everyone's
>> developing/testing/running against the same set of dependencies), but if
>> you're building a library you don't, as you don't get to control what
>> versions users of your library are running (other than through the
>> dependency specifications in your gemspec).
>> Kerry
>> On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 11:08 AM, Asfand Qazi <ayqazi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a question regarding Bundler, developing gems, and Gemfile.lock .
>> It is a question I thought I had the answer to, but apparently not.
>> I USED to believe that you do not check in Gemfile.lock, so as to allow
>> situations during development to occur where your gem is used with a
>> version of a dependency that you did not expect, therefore allowing
>> possibly breaking interface changes to dependencies to be made apparent.
>> This is what Mr. Katz says here, in 2010: http://yehudakatz.com/2010/12/
>> 16/clarifying-the-roles-of-the-gemspec-and-gemfile/.
>> However, checking the latest bundler docs, here we read something
>> different: http://bundler.io/v1.14/guides/creating_gem.html
>> "By running bundle install, Bundler will generate the extremely important
>> Gemfile.lock file. This file is responsible for ensuring that every system
>> this library is developed on has the exact same gems so it should always be
>> checked into version control. For more information on this file read “THE
>> GEMFILE.LOCK” section of the bundle install manpage."
>> Que?
>> What do y'all think? Follow the old advice, or the new advice?
>> Thanks
>> Regards,
>> Asfand Qazi
>> The DevOps Doctors
>> E: asfand at thedevopsdoctors.com
>> W: https://www.thedevopsdoctors.com/
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