[LRUG] Ruby/Rails book recommendations

John Winters john at sinodun.org.uk
Wed May 15 02:48:06 PDT 2019

On 14/05/2019 21:42, Mark Burns wrote:
> On Tue, 14 May 2019 at 20:43, John Winters <john at sinodun.org.uk
> <mailto:john at sinodun.org.uk>> wrote:
>     On 14/05/2019 13:55, Mark Weston wrote:
>     > A lot of the previous recommendations are great:
>     >
>     > I'd add this to the list: https://rebuilding-rails.com/
>     It sounds like a really promising idea - I would love to be able to work
>     through the internals of Rails in this way - but as it stands it doesn't
>     really function.
> I haven’t read or tried it but could it be the case that it does work
> but with the specific versions of ruby and rails installed? 
> I think with rbenv you should be able to get to a working environment so
> that you could follow along with the book.
> Happy to help with specific error messages if it’s just a case of not
> knowing how to get off the ground.

It doesn't use Rails - it re-implements Rails.  It says it works with
Ruby 1.9 or later, but it doesn't seem to have been tested with "later".

It's not a case of not being able to get off the ground - all the
problems are ones which I've been able to fix - but 90% of your time is
spent correcting the errors in the instructions which rather detracts
from the learning process.

I might give it another go when I have a bit more time, but I certainly
wouldn't buy it in its current state.


(Sorry - meant to send this to the list not direct to Mark.)

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