[LRUG] Questionnaire engine

Ed James ed.james.spam at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 02:37:48 PDT 2020

Hi all

Does anyone have any experience with building out a complex questionnaire engine?
I’m very interested in hearing what people have done and whether you wrote from scratch or used any 3rd-party tools/gems/etc.

Some of the things I need to be able to handle are:

Complex routing through the questionnaire based on answers to previous question(s)
Scoring/weighting of answers to calculate a final score
Grouping of weighted questions to allow for score calculations of “question groups”
Ability to “resume” questionnaire
Ability to “go back” through previous questions to change answers before completion

Any advice/insights would be greatly appreciated.


       	Ed James 
I will respect your spam <mailto:ed.james.spam at gmail.com>
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