[LRUG] [ANN] January 2024 meeting details

Frederick Cheung frederick.cheung at gmail.com
Tue Dec 19 08:17:01 PST 2023

Hi Everyone,

Christmas is just around the corner, but LRUG's eye is already on 2024!

Our January meeting will be on Monday the 8th of January, from 6:00pm to
8:00pm. We'll be hosted by Cleo in their offices on Shoreditch high street.

We've got two talks for you this month:

- Kevin Sedgley will be telling us about Sky computing
- Joel will be speaking about Leveraging Localised Gems (LLGems): Re-using
Code the Ruby Way, Safely

For full details please see https://lrug.org/meetings/2024/january/ .
Should you wish to attend, please remind yourself of our code of conduct (
https://readme.lrug.org) and get your ticket on eventbrite:

After January comes February, and therefore our yearly lightning talks
event, so why not use the festive break to think about some talk ideas.
Perhaps something that's caught your eye in ruby 3.3, an interesting take
on an advent of code problem or anything ruby-ish (emphasis on the ish)
that takes your fancy. We're always happy to have ideas bounced off us at
talks at lrug.org


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