[LRUG] Talks required - November, December, January, ...

Frederick Cheung frederick.cheung at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 00:47:27 PDT 2023

Hi everyone,

We do now have one talk confirmed for November, but we are looking for more
talks for November, December, January - you get the idea.

Our yearly lightning talks meeting (February) is also not too far away,
where we'll be looking for 8 short talks (5-10 minutes): the perfect
opportunity to stand up, say your bit and sit down before anyone has a
chance to disagree. As always we'd love to have you whether it's your 1st
time or you'r a grizzled veteran

We can provide a friendly audience, tips/rehearsals if you'd like them, and
thanks to our recent survey, ideas for topics too:

- Development tools and tips for productivity
- Going through real bugs that were difficult to identify or fix
- How to migrate an existing large application from webpack/webpacker to
another tool in deployable stages
- How ActiveRecord Arel works, when you should be using it directly and how
to safely escape manually built queries with it
- If Rails was built from scratch today, what APIs might be chosen to be
built differently
- ActiveStorage - how/if to use it in more complex production cases.
Particular curious about validation of files, using stimulus to power
direct uploads/image editing etc that goes beyond the sketches in the rails
- AI and ruby - how to create and use an AI model for text classification
using as much ruby as possible
- Event modeling - All the up and down sides of working from modeling stage
through to delivery of an application using event modeling

I'm pretty sure many of us have stories / opinions on these (unless I'm the
only one creating bugs I then have a hard time fixing) - we'd love to hear
them. (We're also also all ears for more topics: keep them coming on the
mailing list or on


Fred & the LRUG organisation team
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