Here's a proposal for resolving the next meeting date:<br>
1. We choose not to clash with Pizza On Rails on 27th<br>
2. We kindly prefer not to overlap with (any) Extreme Tuesday <br>
but accept that we may have to this time<br>
3. We do something between Pizza on Rails and the end of the tax <br>
year ie Wed 5th April at latest<br>
4. One person three votes, on this thread of this list, votes counted<br>
as of 6.30pm Monday, with first choice allotted 3 points, second<br>
2 points, third 1 point. The date with the most points wins.<br>
I vote for <br>
1. Thu 30th Mar<br>
2. Mon 3rd Apr<br>
3. Tue 27th Mar<br><br>Better done on a wiki where my once famous SmalltalkBlockVote <br>
can neatly become ruby_block_vote { 5 }. But this'll do for now.<br>
R<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Ruby for laser purity