Hi all,<br><br>It was mentioned at the two meetings I've been to that it might be nice to have an lrug subversion repository for the community to play with. As it seemed like a reasonable idea, I've set one up on <a href="http://svn.lrug.org">
svn.lrug.org</a> and put a copy of bsSvnBrowser up on <a href="http://svnbrowse.lrug.org/">http://svnbrowse.lrug.org/</a> for nicer browsing of the repository. <br><br>There's only the one repository at the moment (<a href="http://svn.lrug.org/lrug_sandbox/">
http://svn.lrug.org/lrug_sandbox/</a>) but hopefully by the time that we need more than one repository (e.g. the lrug_sandbox for people to play in, and other repositories for people to do specific projects together with) bsSvnBrowser will have been updated to deal with multiple repositories and we won't need to muck about with multiple browse urls.
<br><br>Anyway, it's obviously empty at the moment (doesn't even have a directory structure), but I thought it might be nice to have people start filling it with copies of presentations or code that has been shown off at the meetings (BenJohn's talker thingy?) and over time it might grow to be something useful. Of course anything you think is interesting you can commit to the repository and let people know about it via the list.
<br><br>It's public-read, private-write so if you want write access you'll have to get in touch. I suspect the best thing to do would be to post to the list and then someone who can add you (Me or James Adam at the moment) will reply privately to get a user and pass from you and set up your account. Note it's probably best to use a throw-away password (and username if you are *really* paranoid) as they're not user-changable and will be available in-the-clear on the svn admin interface that dreamhost provides.
<br><br>Anyway, feel free to use or not as you see fit.<br><br>Let me know if you want write access.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Muz<br>