Hi all,<br><br>The April LRUG meeting will break from our 2nd Monday of the month routine to avoid clashing with Easter Monday, and will be on the 16th of April, not the 9th. Jonathan Lim has created an Upcoming event for your calendar subscription pleasure (
<a href="http://upcoming.org/event/165162/">http://upcoming.org/event/165162/</a>), but there's scant few details about content as yet. Based on what's bubbling around the list we might have one or more of the following:
<br><br>* A discussion about REST (see this thread: <a href="http://lists.lrug.org/pipermail/chat-lrug.org/2007-February/000916.html">http://lists.lrug.org/pipermail/chat-lrug.org/2007-February/000916.html</a> or this follow up one:
<a href="http://lists.lrug.org/pipermail/chat-lrug.org/2007-March/000981.html">http://lists.lrug.org/pipermail/chat-lrug.org/2007-March/000981.html</a>)<br>* Another round of code-review (people seemed keen on making this a regular part of the meetings, and we didn't get through all the bits submitted)
<br>* A talk about Lucene / Ferret / Solr (David Townsend put himself forward for this)<br>* Something about RSpec (nobody really volunteered themselves for this, but people seem interested and it's worth suggesting again just in case)
<br>* Paolo's talk about TabNav that we missed from February (assuming he's still interested in giving it).<br><br>Is there anything else? Clearly we won't do everything in April, but it's good to have options as they'll spill over into future meetings.
<br><br>There's good groundswell for the REST discussion, who wants to be on the "panel" or host it? Jonathan Leighton or Eleanor seem like ideal candidates as you guys were the most vocal on those threads, is there anyone else?