Hi all,<br><br>The next meeting will be on the 14th of May. It's become a obvious that the idea of a beginners session is a good one, but also, a tad unspecific as everyone has different needs, and hence a little difficult to stage. However, what has come out of this discussion is the idea of mentoring so we'll use the meeting to match up mentors and mentorees, and give them some time towards the end of the meeting to have a chat about how they want to run things. I hope this lack of a proper session isn't too disappointing to any beginners.
<br><br>As the mentor match up clearly won't take up the whole evening, I've a couple of other things up my sleeve:
<br><br>1. Dan Webb has offered to do a talk about OpenID. OpenID was quite the hot thing on the blogosphere a couple of months ago, but it seems to have died down now (or maybe I read the wrong blogs), perhaps Dans' talk will get it all fired up again.
<br><br>2. Ben Griffiths has offered to solidify some of his comments about REST vs SOAP from the REST discussion we had last month.<br> <br>3. We've still got bits of code lying around that people submitted for the code review a couple of months ago. We could go over one of them too.
<br><br>Clearly 'less is more' so I'm not suggesting we do all 3 of these, have people any preference or alternatives?<br><br>Muz<br>