Hi all,<br><br>In case none of you are obsessively checking the RSS on the lrug site or equally obssessively watching out for my [ANN] messages on ruby-talk and rubyonrails-talk I thought I'd better mention here that the details for the December meeting have been finalised:
<a href="http://lrug.org/meetings/2007/11/21/december-2007-meeting/">http://lrug.org/meetings/2007/11/21/december-2007-meeting/</a><br><br>I got a bunch of O'Reilly catalogues through the user group programmer earlier this month. I'll pass them out to let people see if there are any books they might want to review and we can try to get a copy.
<br><br>For those of you that haven't registered with Skills Matter yet, you probably should as I had word from Skills Matter that registration was at 65 people at the start of the week. Looks like it could be another big one and you wouldn't want to miss out on looking at an O'Reilly catalogue now would you?