Hi all,<br>I've spent some time this weekend doing a bit of housekeeping on the lrug website. Mostly, I've been going through the old meeting pages and adding links to presentations and / or the videos that Skills Matter have made. It's far from complete as in many cases I've been unable to find the slides online, but I think there's a pretty good collection of resources up there now. If you've given a talk at LRUG at some point and have your slides online, then give me a shout and I'll update the relevant page.
<br><br>I've also added a Sponsors page (<a href="http://lrug.org/sponsors">http://lrug.org/sponsors</a>) to say thanks to all the companies that have helped us out with free stuff (be it books, venues, tickets or anything really). Part of the reason for this sponsors page is that the folk organising QCon have given us a ticket to give away as at the February meeting, of which more details in the next week.
<br><br>Anyway, I'm terrible at managing details, so if I've managed to bork up any pages (I was also converting stuff to Markdown where it was just plain html), let me know.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Muz<br>