Hi all,<br><br>Skills Matter have opened up registration for the March meeting of LRUG which will be on Monday the 10th of March. Registration is available here: <a href="http://skillsmatter.com/lrug">http://skillsmatter.com/lrug</a> (and I'll put up placeholders on <a href="http://lrug.org">lrug.org</a> and <a href="http://upcoming.org">upcoming.org</a> sometime over the weekend to act as reminders).<br>
<br>If you think you might attend, sign up early, please. It was standing room only last time because a large percentage of the attendees signed up over the weekend before hand. SM need a decent amount of notice to book a larger room, and I think it costs them, so they're not going to want to do it if they don't have to.<br>
<br>Anyway, I appreciate that you might want to know what's happening in the March meeting before deciding if you want to come. To that I say: PAH! You know it'll be good whatever happens, so just sign up - nearly 100 people in February can't be wrong!<br>
<br>Seriously though, I've no leads for talks for the March meeting, so if people want to talk please volunteer yourself (or your colleagues - they're so lazy, make them do something for a change). Obviously, if there's stuff you want to hear about or alternative styles of meetings then suggest them too - as a group we might know someone we can convince to talk about or host such things.<br>