Given an ActiveRecord A, that belongs_to a B, I can create a single form to edit all the attributes of these
nested records in one go, leading to a params hash with structure
<br> <p>{"a" => {"an_attribute_of_a" => "x", "b" => { "an_attribute_of_b" => "y", "another_attribute_of_b" => "z" } }
<br> </p>Then I would like to be able to write the following code, where a (is an instance of A) that belongs to b (an instance of B)<br><br>a.update_attributes(params[:a])<br><br>and have it update the attributes of a AND also b which it belongs to.<br>
<br>Before I go reinventing the wheel, does anyone know of an existing plugin for ActiveRecord will enable this?<br><br>J.<br>