<a href="http://www.cio.com/article/191000/You_Used_Ruby_to_Write_WHAT_">http://www.cio.com/article/191000/You_Used_Ruby_to_Write_WHAT_</a><br><br>Whodathunk?<br><br>Gotta love the blurb at the end, too:<br><br>Zed A. Shaw is currently a vice president at an investment bank leading a gang of smarties building a cutting-edge document management system, using Ruby on Rails. More important, he writes tons of free software that many people doing Ruby on Rails use all day long. After almost two decades of programming in many languages, he finds writing and music to be more fun. He is now an essayist and antipundit with a very vulgar blog, <a href="http://www.zedshaw.com">www.zedshaw.com</a>, that you should avoid.<br>
<br>So much for "leaving the Ruby community for good"! :-)<br><br>Thought some people on this list would be interested to see this article...<br><br>Daniel<br>