Hey all,<br><br>The details for the April LRUG are up on the LRUG site for all to see: <a href="http://lrug.org/meetings/2009/03/23/april-2009-meeting/">http://lrug.org/meetings/2009/03/23/april-2009-meeting/</a><br><br>Make sure to register with Skills Matter if you have the slightest notion of coming and do so early as this'll help us get a bigger room if we need it. Do so here: <a href="http://skillsmatter.com/event/ajax-ria/lrug-april">http://skillsmatter.com/event/ajax-ria/lrug-april</a><br>
<br>The summary details are that it's on Monday, 20th of April and we're trying out having three slightly shorter talks instead of the usual two. Martin Kleppman is talking about his invoicing gem, Jon Gilbraith is talking about modularising and rubyising view code, and Paul Jensen is talking about using Geokit in Social apps.<br>
<br>See you all there,<br><br>Muz<br><br>ps. Please do register early, I hate hearing about folk getting turned away and this is the best way to stop it: <a href="http://skillsmatter.com/event/ajax-ria/lrug-april">http://skillsmatter.com/event/ajax-ria/lrug-april</a><br>
<br>pps. While you're at it register super-early for the May meeting too: <a href="http://skillsmatter.com/event/ajax-ria/lrug-may">http://skillsmatter.com/event/ajax-ria/lrug-may</a>