I want to chime in about recruitment bashing. Sure, they're annoying people. Most of us have had negative experience with recruiters (I have) and some have had the occasional positive experience (I also have).<div><br>
</div><div>But they are indication that the work we do is in demand. And I think we should be grateful that, unlike most industries in the UK and Europe, we have too many job opportunities. So we get to sit here smugly slagging off recruiters who, deluded as they may be, are trying to make a living.</div>
<div><br></div><div>A lot of them I've spoken to lately sound really young. Okay - I'm old by the standards of this industry. Picture yourself leaving college now with a flashy degree and you can't get a job worth having. Maybe some of these people have fallen into recruitment as a last resort. I'm not suggesting that we all engage with them and actually pick up the phone to a withheld number.</div>
<div><br></div><div>My 2 bits.<br><br></div>