Hi all,<div><br></div><div>John Wards, the organiser of a new database conference got in touch with me offering a discount to LRUG members. The conference is All Your Base in Oxford on the 23rd November (<a href="http://allyourbaseconf.com/">http://allyourbaseconf.com/</a>). It's all about databases (both SQLy and not so SQLy) with speakers from DB suppliers like MariaDB, 10gen, Basho and massive db instance users like Twitter, Heroku, Phonegap, Github, etc..</div>
<div><br></div><div>If you're interested the tickets are £150 (£125 + VAT) and the discount gets you £10 off the pre-VAT price bringing it to: £138 (£115 + VAT). Enter "LRUG" as a promo code to get the discount.</div>