[LRUG] Meeting August 8th and September 4th

Tiest Vilee ruby at tiestvilee.fastmail.com.au
Mon Aug 14 15:07:55 PDT 2006

Yeah - sounds great.
BTW I have been thinking about trying to set up a testing framework for
my QAs where they can specify 'I want the HTML to look something like
this' but not have to be exact about all of it - like a fuzzy regexp for
xhtml.  Is the stuff you are working on at all related to that problem?


On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 08:25:05 -0700 (PDT), "Robert McKinnon"
<rob_m_mckinnon at yahoo.com> said:
> --- "A. S. Bradbury" <asbradbury at tekcentral.org> wrote:
> > I'm currently working on a Google Summer of Code Project,
> > Ariel[1]. ... If there are any slots available, I'd be happy to
> > talk about my project and experiences.
> > Give a demo, whatever people are interested in.  Ariel - A Ruby
> > Information Extraction Library is a project that employs machine
> > learning techniques to extract information from semistructured pages
> > (such as, but not limited to, web pages).
> Alex, sounds like a great topic for an LRUG talk! Are you able to make
> a Sept 4th meeting, 18:30-20:00? (Note: this may be moved to the
> following week).
> > I could certainly talk about the ideas behind my system,
> > compare and contrast with alternative approaches (Regexp,
> > RubyfulSoup and now Hpricot). Maybe there's interest in a
> > brief look at what tools and resources I've found useful,
> > being a relatively inexperienced ruby programming 
> > embarking on what is for me a fairly substantial project.
> > 
> > Is there any interest in this, if so - what would you like to hear
> > about? I'm not familiar with the style of most presentations at
> > LRUG meetings.
> We usually get around 30 people at a meeting - a mix of experienced to
> newbies. We've been having two talks per meeting for the last few
> months. You'll have a projector and the audience's attention for around
> 30-40 minutes - they'll want to head to the pub after that! ;)
> For a personal project I've been converting HTML to XML with TagSoup (a
> Java tool), then using a series of custom REXML SAX parsers to
> transform the data into a useful structure. The resulting structured
> data is going into a database for a Rails app I'm building. I'd be
> interested to see if Ariel would have saved me any time.
> cheers,
> Rob
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Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, 
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
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