[LRUG] Meeting August 8th and September 4th

Wendy Devolder wendy.devolder at skillsmatter.com
Fri Aug 18 05:24:32 PDT 2006

Hi Alex,

Thanks very much. I have updated the website, hope it is ok, if not let 
me know what to change!

A. S. Bradbury wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 August 2006 10:31, Wendy Devolder wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I am not entirely sure for the below which bits n pieces what to include
>> on the LRUG registration page...
>> Could Alex / Rob send me the following?
>>     * Talk Title:
> Ariel - A Ruby Information Extraction Library
>>     * Full name speaker:
> Alex Bradbury
>>     * Synopsis of talk:
> Ariel - A Ruby Information Extraction Library was developed as part of 
> Google's Summer of Code. Hear about some of the theory and ideas behind it, 
> what Ariel can do for you, and also some thoughts on what tools and resources 
> are most useful for a relatively inexperienced developer embarking on a 
> project headed for public release.
>>     * Short bio / background speaker (two or three lines - only if
>>       available)
> Alex has been working in the Google Summer of Code program under the mentoring 
> of Austin Ziegler (who recently presented at LRUG). He is an 18 year old due 
> to start a Computer Science degree at Cambridge this October.
> There you go, hope that's appropriate? Do feel free to fiddle with the text if 
> you want to, the title sucks but hopefull the description gives an idea of 
> what I hope to talk about.
> Alex

*Wendy Devolder*
Business Development

*t* 0207 1072620
*f* 0207 1072621
*e* wendy.devolder at skillsmatter.com <mailto:wendy.devolder at skillsmatter.com>
**Free Summer Seminars!*
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*SOA with Axis2 & Web Services Seminar - July 20th 

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