[LRUG] pre-conf bash

John Hornbaker hornbaker at parthenoncomputing.com
Fri Aug 18 03:34:37 PDT 2006

Thanks Murray. I'll be back on August 30th myself.

Since booking a pub doesn't seem crucial, there's not much rush. I'll  
check with Wendy to see when she is mailing conference attendees so  
we can get the word out. This may be before you return--but we can  
sort out a good pub here on the list if need be.


On 18 Aug 2006, at 10:14, Murray Steele wrote:

> As the person who originally proposed the idea (even if it wasn't  
> terribly original, I can hardly claim to have invented the idea of  
> Going To The Pub) I should put myself forward for the organiser- 
> contact role.  However, I'm off on hols from the middle of next  
> week until the 8th (and a healthy dose of jet lag will probably  
> mean I can't do anything till the day after), so I'm not sure I'd  
> be the most useful.
> On the other hand, given that booking a pub is probably not going  
> to be neccessary* we just need to come up with a pub and let folk  
> know (via this list, the skillsmatter site, rails-talk, blogs,   
> upcoming.org etc...) and I'm fairly sure that could probably all  
> happen in the week prior to the conference.  How much notice do  
> people need for an invitation to the pub; we could probably even  
> have a sign at PoR (with a map for the out of towners) and still  
> people would come.
> So if people agree, I'm happy to be the contact and sort something  
> out once I get back from hols, but if we think it needs something  
> done before that, then I'm equally happy to let someone else do it.
> Muz

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