[LRUG] Old Programming Books

Harjeet Taggar harjeet.taggar at gmail.com
Tue Dec 26 17:32:03 PST 2006

Hi everyone,

Hope you've all had a good Xmas and are looking forward to the New Year!

I just had a v quick question - what do you all do with old  
programming books that you don't need anymore?  Do you sell them on  
ebay/other sites or just keep hold of them?

To give some context I'm interested on two fronts,
1) I've only been coding for a little while and currently get all my  
books from oreillynet.com, which is good but doesn't have everything  
and I could do with some good second hand books
2) I co-run an online marketplace for students and thought there  
might be some potential overlap by letting you guys post any old  
books you had for sale so they could be snapped up by eager young  
university student minds :)

Thanks and seasons greetings to all,


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