[LRUG] FYI: Ruby for Symbian OS Released

Murray Steele murray.steele at gmail.com
Thu Nov 23 08:52:27 PST 2006

On 21/11/06, Pedro Figueiredo <me at pedrofigueiredo.org> wrote:
> On 21 Nov 2006, at 17:56, Murray Steele wrote:
> > just do it once using J2ME
> it's more like "do it once using j2me for each phone model out
> there" (before you ask, yes, the same phone series from the same
> manufacturer has differences between phone models and j2me stacks
> that require yet another port).
See, that's something (not working in the field) that I didn't know
(although if I'd thought about it, it would explain why the .jar files of
games I have for my phone have the phone model in the file name).  Sounds
like you'd have to do things multiple times anyway then, so doing one in
ruby for your sanity's sake would be good.
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