[LRUG] FYI: Ruby for Symbian OS Released

Eleanor eleanor at goth-chic.org
Wed Nov 22 13:23:19 PST 2006

On 21 Nov 2006, at 17:56, Murray Steele wrote:
> But the Ruby they've released is only for 2 of the 3 or 4 Symbian  
> OS's out there (UIQ and S60), which only covers <random_guess>1/2</ 
> random_guess> the available Symbian phones (and that can't be a  
> particularly large percentage of all phones out there in the  
> wild).  Given that, surely any Boss-Man is going to say: "Yeah we  
> could do it once in Ruby for those special Symbian phones that  
> support it and then again in J2ME for everyone else, or just do it  
> once using J2ME and save the time on the ruby version of the client  
> for making our server side part of the equation the market-beater."

Some of us might not care so much about supporting all those other  
phones lol
Quite a few of the projects I'm involved with have a mobile component  
and being able to do the proof-of-concepts in Ruby should be a real  
timesaver compared to J2ME. After all, if it was Java I liked it  
would be Java I'd be using for most of my work :p


Eleanor McHugh
Games With Brains
raise ArgumentError unless @reality.responds_to? :reason

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