[LRUG] Apress Books for Review - Any Takers?

Eran Ben Shabbat eranbens at tiscali.co.uk
Tue Apr 17 02:11:41 PDT 2007

The book I'm talking about is Beginning Ruby: From Novice to  


On 17 Apr 2007, at 10:08, Eran Ben Shabbat wrote:

> I'd be up to review the book as well.
> It was my first meeting last night and I really enjoyed it.
> I had to rub back home afterwards, but I'll stay for the pub session
> next time.
> I don't know about you guys, but I felt that the majority of the
> people there looked
> at REST as in REST in peace.
> Eran.
> On 17 Apr 2007, at 09:58, Suw Charman wrote:
>> I'd be up for reviewing Beginning Ruby, definitely.
>> And whilst I'm about it, I'm up for attending both the beginners Ruby
>> and beginners Rails sessions that were discussed last night. I will
>> admit I felt a bit out of my depth with the talks, but I sort of knew
>> that would happen because I'm such a novice, but it was lovely to  
>> meet
>> everyone. Sorry I had to rush off afterwards - hope to hang around
>> more next time!
>> Suw
>> On 4/17/07, Murray Steele <murray.steele at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Only one person got in touch with me after the meeting last night
>>> to say
>>> they were interested in reviewing one of the books from Apress.
>>> If the idea
>>> of writing a review puts you off, perhaps a look at the Apress  
>>> review
>>> guidelines might put you at ease -
>>> http://www.apress.com/userGroups/writeareview.html - it
>>> doesn't sound that bad to me.
>>> In case you didn't get your hands on one of the print outs, the
>>> two books on
>>> offer are:
>>>  "Beginning Google Maps Applications with Rails and Ajax: From
>>> Novice to
>>> Professionals"
>>>  http://www.apress.com/book/bookDisplay.html?bID=10221
>>> and
>>> "Beginning Ruby: From Novice to Professional"
>>>  http://www.apress.com/book/bookDisplay.html?bID=10244
>>> I'll reply to Apress on Thursday morning, so if you are  
>>> interested in
>>> getting a copy for review then let me know before that and I'll
>>> forward your
>>> details to Apress when I reply.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Muz
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