[LRUG] Next LRUG Meeting - 11th June

Tom Stuart tom at experthuman.com
Fri Jun 8 07:01:53 PDT 2007

On 8 Jun 2007, at 12:37, Murray Steele wrote:
> I think an intro to RSpec; what it is, why you use it and why we  
> should would be a great talk.

Okay, no problem.

> whenever's good for you really.  But if next month (9th July) is ok

Next month is just dandy; next *Monday* slightly less so. :)

> it could wind up being a Testing spectacular as James Mead said he  
> might be able to do a talk about his mocking framework, Mocha.

Oh, right, great. In that case we should probably reach some  
consensus about 1. what order the talks will be in, and 2. what each  
will cover. Mocking is a big part of RSpec too -- although it does  
integrate with Mocha! -- so there's not much point in us *both* doing  
a half-hour intro to mocks. In fact there's a lot of potential for  
general stepping-on-toes here so we should check that James wouldn't  
object to another mocking talk (so to speak) in the same meeting.

Assuming it all goes ahead, James and I can probably discuss point 2  
offlist once our LRUG overlords have decreed upon point 1.


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